Board & Train Programs


You asked, we listened. ProK9 Winnipeg is now offering board & train services!

Over the past year and a half, our clients have been witnessing the successes of our incredible trainers with dogs from all breeds and sizes. We have received so much support from our clients and with that, we have been receiving an overwhelming amount of requests for board and train programs, and now, they’re finally here!

We all know board and train services can be pricey. When selecting a company, we suggest asking to see videos, credentials and for clients to make inquires about the trainers’ levels of experience. It’s critical to see the results a company’s trainers can accomplish in a short amount of time. At ProK9 Winnipeg, we are posting content daily to showcase our results to make it easier on you, the client. We want you to know exactly what to expect when you choose us to train your dog(s).

Our Board and Train Programs will take place in one of our trainers’ homes where we will replicate the same in-home environment your dog is already familiar with. Dog training is about the success of the dog and ultimately that is our end goal.


Does your dog:

  • Jump on people?

  • Lack manners when you feed them?

  • Rush out of their crate/not want to go in their crate?

  • Have poor leash manners?

  • Bolt out the door?

  • Have food and/or animal aggression?

  • Bark non-stop?

  • Have issues with resource guarding?

  • Nip and/or bite?

If you answered YES to any or all of these frustrating behaviours, then our Board & Train programs are for you!


Program Requirements:

Prior to entering any of our programs your dog will need to:

  • Be fully up to date on their vaccinations with a veterinary certificate of proof. If they are not up to date they will need to be vaccinated at least 2 weeks prior to utilizing our services.

  • Receive a training consultation where your dog will be tested to determine if we can help you.  ($90.00 fee).

These are done for two reasons:

1.       We want to ensure the success and safety of the dogs in our care, as well as the resident pets, in our trainers’ homes. All resident pets will also be up to date on vaccinations with certificates of proof available.

2.       We have had many people tell us they sent their dogs to other board and train facilities only to receive a call a few days later to come and pick up their dog. They were told their dog was “untrainable”, yet they were still left with a $700.00 bill and got nothing out of it. We want to ensure the success of the dogs in our programs and ensure that situations like this do not occur with our clients.



Holiday + Daily Board and Train Programs

Cost: $180.00 a day + GST.

The duration of these programs will be determined by the trainer and owner.

We will work with you to meet your individual dogs’ needs. Dog training is about the success of the dog and that is our end goal.

Your dog will get to board in a structured, home environment. Our in-home boarding offers the comfort of a home environment with people you can trust with your pets. Boarding dogs will receive daily exercise and obedience training. All new boarding dogs require an initial consultation that will be conducted to see if the dog is suitable for these programs.


Service Dog Board and Train Program

$180.00 a day + GST.

The duration of this program will be determined by the trainer and owner.

This program is designed for the service dog owner who has done some of the training on their own but wants to bring their dog to the next level so they can actually be worked in a real life environment. An initial consultation will be conducted to see if the dog is suitable for this program. If the dog is successful and found to be suitable for this program, they will be housed with a trainer. Both obedience and environmental work will be conducted.


3 Week (21 day) Board and Train Program

$3640.00 (plus 5% GST & the cost of tools)

Suitable for dogs and puppies (5 months +)

This program will focus on teaching your dog reliable on and off leash obedience. This program is not for dogs with any kind of reactivity such as human/dog aggression, fear/anxiety issues, food aggression or possession aggression. Once your dog has completed this program they will know how to:

  • Heel

  • Sit/Stay

  • Down/Stay

  • Recall/Come

  • Place (Kennel/Bed)

  • Out and Break

We will also teach your dog how to ride calmly in the car, behave politely in public, stay calm and non reactive when the door bell rings or guests enter your home. We will also address some mild behaviour issues such as play biting/nipping.


4 week (28 day) Board and Train Program

$4760.00 plus 5% GST.

Suitable for dogs and puppies (5 months +)

This program is more for the dogs that require basic obedience but also have behavioural issues such as:

  • Leash reactivity to people and other dogs

  • Resource Guarding (toys, people, objects, etc.)

  • Food Aggression

  • Confinement Issues (destroying crates, etc.)

  • Mild Anxiety Issues

  • Mild Fear Issues

We will also teach your dog on and off leash reliability for the obedience commands listed in the 3 week (21 day) board and train program.