1. What is ProK9's philosophy on dog training?

We believe in a balanced approach which means we teach and reinforce the behaviours that we like with Positive Reinforcement and stop unwanted behaviours with tools and effective/humane techniques. This is a big piece of the equation that is often missing when trying to stop the behaviours you do not like or want.

2. If I wanted you to train my dog and use positive reinforcement only, will you change your training techniques to meet my request?

Through experience, we have learned that not all dogs can be trained the same way. The use of Positive Reinforcement is always our preferred quadrant of Operant Conditioning, however different dogs may require to be taught through the fair application of all four quadrants. We adjust our training in relation to the needs of each individual dog and client. However, we will not abandon our training philosophy simply based on requests.

3. How long does it take to train a dog?

The vast majority of our clients see improvements within the first session. The success of each individual client depends on a variety of factors that influence the overall time required in successfully training their dog. These can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Individual personality of the dog

  • Breed

  • Age

  • Behavioural issues being addressed

  • Level of training the clients want their dog to perform

  • Level of commitment from our clients, because the more effort you put in to training your dog, the greater your success will be

4. My dog barks all the time, jumps up on people and always pulls on the leash when we walk. Can you fix this?

Yes, these are many of the common behavioural issues that we deal with and we have had excellent results. You can refer to our Instagram Account for videos of our clients and see the success they have achieved.

5. Why do you use Training Collars during your training?

Training Collars are among the most popular and commonly used tools with professional dog trainers.

The Training Collar allows us to guide the dog with directional pressure. Upward pressure means “sit,” downward pressure means “down”. They are one of the most gentle and humane collars we can use on a dog to steer them to success.

While a training collar is an effective tool, its application needs to be trained and used properly to be effective for you and the safety of your dog.

6. Why do you use e-collars during your training?

Modern E-Collars are among the most effective, dependable, and humane ways of training and communicating with your dog. When trained professionally, the E-collar allows your dog to stay in tune with you around high-level distractions, former triggers for reactivity and overexcitement. Once trained you will see the benefits of having the ultimate off leash control and safety for your dog.

7. Does every dog need the Training Collar and or E-Collar?

No, the needs of the client and the dog itself will determine if we recommend these tools for training. In the end we make the suggestions on what we believe would result in the best success for you and your dog. The client always has the right to refuse what tools we use on their dog.

8. Do you refuse to train or discriminate against any specific breed or size of dogs?

We train all breeds and sizes of dogs.

9. Do you train aggressive dogs?

We maintain perspective and will always put human safety first when making decisions regarding the training of aggressive dogs. Any dog that has bitten another animal or human (regardless of severity) may not be accepted into our programs and our trainers reserve the right to refuse services.

10. Finally. Why should I choose ProK9?

Certifications, Performance, and Customer Service.

Unfortunately, in Canada there are no set standards to become a professional Dog Trainer. Any person with (or even without) any training can declare themselves as a professional dog trainer and start their own business.

This is who we are.


Our Master Trainer David Bessason has over 33 years of dog training experience and has trained over five thousand dogs. He was the Head Trainer for the Winnipeg Police Service Canine Unit and is currently Certified as a Master Trainer for the North American Professional Canine Handlers Association.

Our team of Trainers have been sought out and selected for their unique and extensive backgrounds in animal care, handling, and training which include the following designations:

•      Certified Animal Health Technicians

•      Professional Working K9 Handlers

•      Professional Detection Handlers

•      Court Declared K9 Experts

In addition to their unique operational skills and diplomas all our trainers undergo a 50 hour in person training and certification process delivered by our Master Trainer David Bessason.


Although we cannot make guarantees, you can expect to see results. Here at ProK9 we continually highlight our client’s success on Facebook and Instagram. We invite you to see them for yourself.

Customer Satisfaction:

Client reviews are by far the best way to gauge customer satisfaction. We started advertising our training to the private sector in 2019. In the past three years we have accumulated over 100 five-star reviews and have grown to be amongst the busiest K9 training companies in the province.